Title of Show:  _______________________________________________

Name of Playwright: ___________________________________________

Category (Check One):  Drama ____     Comedy ____     Musical ____

Running Time (Circle One):  15 minutes      20 minutes      25 minutes      30 minutes

Number of Actors:  Male ____ + Female ____ + Staff / Crew ______ = Total Participants ______

Number of pages in script:  ______

Please provide a brief synopsis of your play below (Please do not say “SEE ATTACHED”): __________________________________________________________________________________________

Contact information:

Playwright’s Name:_______________________________________________________________


State:__________________________City:___________________Zip Code:__________________



A.                                                                                                                    1.

B.                                                                                                                    2.

C.                                                                                                                    3.

D.                                                                                                                    4.







Substantial Information

Please not that this one page summary is considered substantial information.  You are not required to fill out any of this information.  However, if you choose to do so, it will be helpful for us.








Company / Producing Organization:_____________________________________________________

Cast Members’ Names:_______________________________________________________________



By signing below, I certify that I have read and understand this application and the General Application Information, and that the information that I have provided is true to the best of my knowledge.

Signature___________________________Print Name_______________________Date____________

PLEASE NOTE:  That the mission of the Riant Theatre is to provide a nurturing environment to develop new plays and outstanding artists.  The Strawberry One-Act Festival is a wonderful opportunity for the Riant Theatre to showcase one-act plays and offer the theatre an opportunity to select one playwright and give them a development deal to produce a full-length play.  Although the audience cast their votes to select the best play so it can advance from the First Round to the Semi-Finals and then The Finals, it is the Playwrights in the festival, the Artistic Director and the Riant’s Judges who’s votes count the most in selecting the BEST PLAY at the Finals.  At the Awards Ceremony and Performance the 4 Best Plays will be performed and the Playwright of the Best Play will be announced and receive an AWARD of $1,500.00 (ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS).  In addition, at the ceremony, awards of $150.00 (ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS) will be presented to the Best Director, Best Actor and Best Actress.

Some plays in the festival will be selected for publication in the next anthology:  The Best Plays From The Strawberry One-Act Festival.

There is NO FEE to submit an application and play for consideration to be in the festival.  You may submit up to 2 plays for the festival.  A separate application must accompany each play submitted.

If your play is chosen to participate in the festival THERE IS A PARTICIPATION FEE of $300.00, which will help defray some of the expenses such as the technical rehearsal and publicity.  In addition each Playwright will receive 2 complimentary tickets to the Awards Ceremony and Performance and (1) one ticket to the Launch Dinner Party for the Strawberry One-Act Festival, which will also honor people for their outstanding contributions to the Arts.

How did you hear about the Strawberry One-Act Festival?________________________________



1)      Please make sure your script pages are bound and number;

2)      On the cover of your script please include the a) NAME OF YOUR PLAY, b) The Playwright’s name, c) the Contact information of the Playwright [Address, Telephone Number & Email address];

3)      Include the character breakdown in your script;

4)      Include the Setting (i.e. An apartment in NYC.) that your play occurs and the Time (i.e. The present.);

5)      If you would like to have your script returned to you please include a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope;

6)      If you would like notification that we have received your script please include a Self Addressed Stamped Postcard.

The Strawberry One-Act Festival – Winter 2010 will be held at the American Theatre For Actors, 314 West 54th Street, between 8th & 9th Avenue, in Manhattan.

In order for you to participate in the festival you must be available from February 8th through February 21, 2010.

The Festival will open Thursday, February 11, 2010.

During Round 1 (February 11 – February 14) of the competition each play will perform once.

Each play that advances to the Semi-Finals (February 15 and February 16) will perform once.

Each play that is selected by the Artistic Director for the Wild Night (February 17) will perform once.

The Finals  (February 19)

The Awards Ceremony & Performance (February 21st at 1:00 p.m.)


1)      Each play must provide their own Director, Cast, Stage Manager, Light Board Operator, Sound Operator and Stage Crew.  Your stage manager must be a separate person who can attend production meetings and work independent of your Light/Sound operator.

·         REMEMBER the Riant Theatre is not producing your show.  We are presenting your show.  If your play is accepted, producing your show is your responsibility.  You must find space to conduct your own rehearsals.  The Strawberry One-Act Festival will provide you with One (1) technical rehearsal, which will be for one hour in the theatre.  All technical rehearsals are scheduled in the order that plays will be presented in the festival.  Therefore you will know if your show is the first play to be presented in the Series of plays to be presented, as well as which play is before your play and after your play.  Each series consists of 3 to 4 plays.  The audience attending a series will see all the plays in that series and then vote after the last play is performed.

2)      There will be a basic lighting plot that all the plays will use that are in the festival.  You will have access to a CD player.  Any addition equipment that you need, i.e. microphone, piano, etc. you must provide yourself.

3)      FURNITURE:  We have black chairs, black boxes in various sizes (when all boxes are used they can make a full size bed, can also be used to make a bar), a writing desk with chair, kitchen table with chairs or 2 stools, end tables and a coffee table that you can use.  Any thing else you need you must provide yourself.

4)      RUNNING TIME:  It is very important that you give us the running time of your show.  This is very important in putting together each series.  The maximum running time for a play in the festival is 30 minutes.  The minimum running time is 15 minutes.

5)      Do you plan on performing your show under a Guest Artist Contract under Actors’ Equity Association?  Please note that there is a different between an Equity Showcase and a Guest Artist Contract.

·         ____ Yes      ____ No     ____ Will let you know upon acceptance.

6)      If you feel that your play is not appropriate for young audiences please let us know so that we are aware of this.  If there are things that we need to consider when scheduling your show please detail them here: ___________________________________________________________________________________




7)      Please provide us with a Tag Line (2 sentences maximum) that can be used to promote your play if it is chosen for the festival.


8)      If your play is presented in the Strawberry One-Act Festival will it be?

__ World Premiere   __ New York Premiere   __ East Coast Premiere   __ U.S. Premiere

9)      Do you have all the necessary rights to perform your show?
____ Yes

____ No, I will obtain the necessary rights on or before January 8, 2010.

10)  Is this a published work?  ____ Yes     ____ No

____ I own the Rights or have secured them from a publisher or licensing company.

____ I will obtain the necessary rights from the publisher or licensing company on or before January 8, 2010.

Please make sure the Name Of Your Play is on the Top of Each Page of the Application.

Please Mail Your Application and Play to:

The Riant Theatre
P.O. Box 1902
New York, NY 10013
Attn:  Strawberry One-Act Festival (SOAF Winter or Summer)

Please keep these and instructions and a copy of your application for your reference.


The following question is for our own marketing research, and in no way affects your application.

How did you hear about the Strawberry One-Act Festival?_______________________________

____  Have you participated in the Strawberry One-Act Festival before?

____  Have friends who participated in the Strawberry One-Act Festival before?___________________

____  Read about it in a newspaper, magazine, or other publication.   _____ Attended the festival in prior years.

____  Have volunteered for the festival in prior years.

____  Other (Please describe):_________________________________________________________________


(Print and Save as a Reference)


TECHNICAL / PRODUCTION:  You will need to keep the technical requirements for your show very simple.  There will be a general light plot, with specials that everyone involved in the festival will use.  Sound is basic, you will have access to a CD Player and a Cassette Player.  Storage space is limited so you should keep your props to a minimal.  Since it is a shared space you must take your props, set pieces and costumes away with you after each performance.  Each play will have one cue to cue technical rehearsal for (1) one hour in the theatre.

PUBLICITY:  The Riant Theatre will publicize the Strawberry One-Act Festival and coordinate overall press relations, including interviews and critic attendance at performances critics have chosen to review.  You will be asked to submit publicity photos & PR materials so that we can send complete press packages to print and broadcast media.  You are responsible for publicizing your own show through your own press releases, mailers, handbills, busking and/or posters.  The more you promote your show, the larger your potential audience.  The Riant Theatre will take publicity photos at your technical rehearsal at the theatre, but you should also take your own publicity photos that can be sent to the press before your technical rehearsal.  The Riant will also hold a Press Conference / Launch Dinner Party, where the press can meet all the participants in the festival and learn about the plays.  In addition, the Riant will produce a FULL COLOR PROGRAM JOURNAL with Photos of the actors, directors and playwrights in the festival.

EXCLUSIVITY:  If you are accepted to participate in the Strawberry One-Act Festival, part of our agreement prohibits the performance of your show anywhere in New York City, New Jersey or Connecticut anytime during the months of January and February.  Performances elsewhere within our audience area greatly impact ticket sales to the Strawberry One-Act Festival and the desirability of your show (as do reviews).  Please keep this in mind when accepting other invitations to perform your show during these months.

NETWORKING:  The Strawberry One-Act Festival is a wonderful place for talent to network and be considered for new projects.  Just think at every performance your work will be seen by other playwrights, directors, and actors.  Casting directors, agents, theatrical and film producers often attend the festival.  Some plays in the festival have been optioned to be made into short or feature films.  The Strawberry One-Act Festival is a great place to be seen and be heard.

PLEASE NOTE:  The goal of the Riant Theatre is to provide a nurturing environment to develop and showcase new plays.  We pride ourselves in providing a platform to present diverse, exciting, ground breaking new works that capture the pulse of innovative theatre.  We enjoy the wide range of talent that we have been able to provide a stage for artist to present new works; from actors on Broadway to Off-Broadway, from Film, Television, new comers to seasoned professionals.  We take several factors into consideration when deciding to accept a play into the festival.  Subject matter, creativity and freshness are also important factors.  Talk to us in your cover letter and let us know why you feel you need to be a part of the Strawberry One-Act Festival.  Having no video, reviews, or resume to speak of should not stop you from applying.

THE AWARDS CEREMONY & PERFORMANCE:  Besides the Awards Ceremony, in which the 4 Best Plays are performed and the winning playwright of the BEST PLAY receives $1,500.00 and the opportunity to have a full-length play developed by the Riant, with the possibility of a production deal.  In addition, Awards and prizes of $150 are given to the Best Director, Best Actor and Best Actress.  Every playwright in the festival will receive 2 complimentary tickets to the Awards Ceremony.

ACCEPTANCE:  All applicants will receive acceptance status notification (i.e. accepted, alternate, or declined).  Notification of acceptance status will begin to be email (preferred) or mailed on or by November 15, 2009.  At this time you will receive a Release Agreement to participate in the festival and you will have until November 24, 2023 to sign the agreement and mail it to us along with your $300 participation fee, in the form of a certified check, cashiers check or money order.  International applications must make payments by bank money order in US funds, collectible in a US bank.  No personal or company checks will be accepted.

Your show may also be selected as an alternative.  Alternatives will begin being moved onto the participants list on or about November 30, 2009.

RESPONSIBILITY:  If your show is accepted into the festival, you be required to produce your show and you will be told which Series your play will be performing in.  We are NOT producing your show, we are merely presenting it.  Round One (1) consist of 1 performance.  If your play advances to the semi-finals, the finals and the Awards Show, your play may do a total of 4 performances.  Even if your play does not advance to the Semi-Finals it may be given a second chance by the Artistic Director to perform in the Wild Night, in which (2) plays will receive a chance to win a spot to compete in the finals.  You or your producing organization must hire your own cast, crew, and staff, secure your own rights, and run your own rehearsals, etc.

SCHEDULING:  Each festival showcases between 30 to 50 one-act plays.  Round One (1) each play in the festival will perform in a Series.  Each Series has 3 to 4 plays in it.  The entire program will run 90 to 105 minutes.  Show times Monday thru Friday are at 7:30 p.m. or 9:30 p.m.  Weekend shows start as early as 1pm and as late as 9pm.  As plays move from Round 1 to the Semi-Finals we will keep in mind to give everyone an equal chance to perform at an early or late show.  Please keep in mind when you are striking or setting up your show, another show is also striking or setting up.  The change over between shows is a few minutes.  Minimalism rules.  Regarding props, if you don’t use it you probably don’t need it.

TICKETS:  The Strawberry One-Act Festival tickets will be available for sale online at the Riant Theatre’s website at