Name:______________________________________ Date:______________


City:___________________________ State:____________ Zip:___________

Telephone: (day)_______________________(eve) ______________________

Pager(cell):___________________________ eMail:_____________________

Name of Play:___________________________________________________


Has this been produced before?:____________

Running time:________(not to exceed 120 minutes) Total pages:________

Circle one:   Musical   Comedy   Drama   Perfomance Art   One Person Show

Number of actors:(male)_______________ (female)_______________

Give a brief synopsis of play:_________________________________________







Please attach a brief bio of the playwright.

Scripts should include:
1) a character breakdown, 2) setting, 3) period in which play occurs, 4) and should be neatly bound and numbered with the title of play on the cover of the script. Please include a SASE if you wish to have your script returned to you. Include a SAS post card to receive notice that we have received your script.

Deadline: March 1st.

Mail scripts to: The Riant Theatre, P.O. Box 1902, NY, NY 10013, Attn: The International Lesbian & Gay Theatre Festival.

Plays selected for the festival can be from 15 minutes to 120 minutes in length and must have their own director and cast and be ready to be presented during the month of June. We will provide you with (1) one tech rehearsal in the theatre.