(Print out this form and submit)

I would like to Join the Patrons Program of The Riant Theatre. Please extend to me the special privileges of:

¨ Contributing Patron - $1000 ($750 tax deductible)
¨ Supporting Patron - $1500 ($1050 tax deductible)
¨ Benefactor Patron - $2000 ($1350 tax deductible)
¨ Angel Patron - $2500 ($1650 tax deductible)
¨ Pacesetter Patron - $3500 ($2500 tax deductible)
¨ Producer's Circle - $5000 ($4200 tax deductible)
¨ Chairman's Council - $10000 ($9000 tax deductible)



City:___________________________ State:____________ Zip:___________

Telephone: (day)_______________________(eve) ______________________


I wish my contribution to be recognized in the Riant Theatre Playbill as follows:

___________________________________________ (please print name)

Method of Payment

_____Check payable to The B.E.T. Productions

Charge to: _____VISA _____MasterCard _____American Express

Card Number:________________________________________

Expiration Date:_______________


FAX to: (718) 295-3146

MAIL to:
The Riant Theatre
P.O. Box 1902
New York, NY 10013
Attn: Development Office

If you have any questions please call the Development Office at (646) 623-3488.

You may also email the above information to You may make your donation online by clicking on the level you are interested in.