Name:______________________________________ Date:______________ Address:_______________________________________________________ City:___________________________ State:____________ Zip:___________ Telephone: (day)_______________________(eve) ______________________ Pager(cell):___________________________ eMail:_____________________ Name of Play:___________________________________________________ Author:________________________________________________________ School You Attend:_______________________________________ Age:_________ Address:____________________________________State______________ City________ Zip Code:___________ Year in School (Circle One) : Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior ______________________________________________________________ Has this been produced before?:____________ Running time:________(15 to 30 minutes maximum) Total pages:________ Number of actors:(male)_______________ (female)_______________ Give a brief synopsis of play:_________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Please attach a brief bio of the playwright. Scripts should include: Deadline for Winter Festival: November 30th. Deadline for Summer Festival: April 30th. Mail scripts to: The Riant Theatre, P.O. Box 1902, NY, NY 10013, Attn: The Teen Strawberry One-Act Festival (Winter or Summer). Plays selected for the festival must not exceed 30 minutes in running time and must have their own director and cast and be ready to be presented during the month of February for the Winter festival or during the month of July for the Summer festival. We will provide you with (1) one tech rehearsal in the theatre. The plays will complete in a series of rounds with up to three other plays, the play with the most votes will move on to the semi-finals and then on to the finals. The plays will be voted on by the audience and the theatre's judges. The play selected as the winner will receive a grant and the opportunity to have a full-length play developed by the Riant. How did you learn about the festival? ________________________________ |