Articles on the Winter 2014 Strawberry One-Act Festival
Our Times Press - February 6 - 12, 2014
Trip To Bountiful Producers Honored (See page 6 of article on pdf).
Broadwayworld Strawberry One Act winners
Articles on the Summer 2012 artists and plays in the Strawberry One-Act Festival and Strawberry Theatre Festival, which will be presented at the Theatre at St. Clements, 423 West 46th St., NYC.
Playwright interview:
Meet Teen Playwright Rachel Wagner, KIDS THESE DAYS.
Playwright and co-director interview:
SILive.come Article:
Staten Island’s Steve Stanulis bares more than his body in ‘Stripped: The Play’
Police Officer’s Steve Stanulis and Donald Bruce stand outside the 120 Precinct after arresting a man weilding an ax, circa 1998.
New York Times:
From the Page to the Stage: Exploring the Director’s Task By Jane Rubinsky
The Video Diaries Project: A Series Of Short Films About The Artists In The Strawberry One-Act Festival
Encore Series: PUSH, CROSSING VERRAZANO & IT’S GREEK TO ME - Theatre People - Australia
Press on Butterfly which will be presented in the Strawberry One-Act Festival on July 31st:
The link to the article page:
The link to the front page: - The Lexington Leader
NFA Presents One-Act Play in NYC - Times Herald - Record
A Hard Act To Follow: A Visit To The Strawberry One-Act Festival - NY Examiner
The Strawberry Festival Offers Opportunity For Broadway Hopeful - Film Festival Traveler
New Musical Dramatizes Susan Smith Case - An Interview with Riant Artistic Director Van Dirk Fisher - Actors Update, Chad Fasca