WHO'S GOT GAME? A new Improv Show
The Players
New York City hold on to your seats a new Improv Show is taping live on Sunday nights. The show begins on Sunday, October 22nd at 6pm, and runs thru Sunday, December 17th at the Times Square Arts Center at 300 West 43rd Street in the Roy Arias Theatre.
Van Dirk Fisher, the founder and artistic director of the Riant Theatre and producer of the critically acclaimed Strawberry One-Act Festival, presents a dynamic new improv show called: WHO'S GOT GAME?
20 actors have been chosen to compete for the title of Best Playa Playa. Each week the actors will partner and compete to win points from the theatre's judges and from the audience. Each week one team of two actors will be eliminated. At the end of the night the audience will cast their votes and decide WHO'S GOT GAME? The (2) actors who manage to make it to the final show on December 17th will then compete for a CASH PRIZE of $500.00. But the cash prizes don't stop there! At every show audience members qualify for a chance to win a CASH PRIZE just by casting their votes.
The Judges are Karen Page, host of Riant! Riant! Arts & Entertainment, Robert Pemberton, director and performer, Kristin Hoffman, director and Van Dirk Fisher.
Tickets are $10.00 if purchased by Thursday, October 19th and $15.00 thereafter. You may also purchase VIP tickets to see all 9 shows for $100 and receive complimentary drinks, reserved seating and a WHO'S GOT GAME? T-shirt.
There are also discounts for bringing your friends. If you bring 3 friends who pay full price you get in for free; if you bring 2 friends who pay full price you get $10 off your ticket price; if you bring 1 friend who pays full price you get $5 off your ticket price.
Be the first to try our specialty drink created just for this show Player's Delight!
The first 75 people to purchase their tickets online will receive a complimentary drink. The first 25 people to purchase tickets online will also receive a special door prize. Order your tickets now! Go to www.therianttheatre.com or call 646-623-3488.
On hand to sing the theme song WHO'S GOT GAME? will be r&b; recording artist Stephanie Jennot, Ryan Love and hip hop artist Lanigiro. If you think you've GOT GAME and you think you can DANCE, you can also sign up to show us what you've GOT! The Winner who does the best dance to our song WHO'S GOT GAME? will win a special prize.
The videotaped show will air on Riant TV (RTV) at www.therianttheatre.com/video on Monday through Saturday 24/7 where viewers can pay $15.00 to view the show and cast their votes and also have an opportunity to win more cash prizes for playing the game. (Click here to see the show online. You must high a high-speed connection or Broadband to view the show online.)
For press tickets, photos or interviews with the talent, judges or producers call Van Dirk Fisher at 646-623-3488.