Our Sponsors and Restaurants

Please Support Our Sponsors:

Eat Offbeat is an Official SPONSOR of the Strawberry One-Act Festival

Treat yourselves to authentic meals by refugees who now call NYC home. Traditional recipes, extraordinary new flavors, a thousand and one stories of home. Take your catering off the eaten path! From the Guinea’s glittering shores to Nepal’s towering mountains— their all-star chefs hail from every corner of the globe, and everything they create is inspired by cherished histories and thousands of miles travelled as immigrants and refugees. Eat Offbeat offers drop off delivery of buffet meals and can also provide fully-serviced custom events with seated meals, bar service, and event coordination.
For 10% off your next order, use discount code: IMMIGRANTPLAYS10.

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Special thanks to our Sponsors.

January 2021
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The Riant Theatre Box Office:

Need Help? Have a Question? Contact us at Customer Service: Email us: RiantTheatre@gmail.com

MAKE A DONATION to support our Youth Empowerment Scholarship Awards, CORE Project, the Riant Theatre and productions.  CLICK HERE TO MAKE A DONATION.

To submit your play for the Strawberry One-Act Festival go to www.FilmFreeway.com/JocundaMusicFilmandTheatreFestival.  The Strawberry One-Act Festival, will be in JANUARY, FEBRUARY AND MARCH, 2021. (15-30 minute plays.) Early Deadline is September 30, 2024  Regular Deadline is October 30, 2020.  Notifucations will be sent out by November 15, 2020.

To submit your play for the Strawberry Theatre Festival (STF) for Full-Length Plays (55-90 minutes), Musicals (not to exceed 120 minutes), Short Plays (40-50 minutes), Variety Acts, Cabaret Acts, Magic Shows, Sketch Comedy, Improv Shows and Readings.  To submit your play to the STF go to www.FilmFreeway.com/JocundaMusicandTheatreFestival.   The Early Deadline is September 30, 2024Regular Deadline is October 30, 2020.  Notifications will be sent out by November 15, 2020.  The Strawberry Theatre Festival will run in JANUARY, FEBRUARY AND MARCH 2021.

Submissions are now being accepted for the Jocunda Music, Film & Theatre Festival.  We are seeking singers, r&b, neo soul, pop and hip hop artists; Films: short, narrative, animation and music videos; comedians and Short and Full Length Plays and Screenplays.

The Jocunda Music, Film & Theatre Festival will run from JANUARY through MARCH 30, 2024 at ARTEL Hotel in Brooklyn, NY.  Singers, Fashion Designers and Vendors send us a link to your music and/or performance.  Include your bio and a cover letter why you would like to be in the Josucnda MFT Festival.  Vendors email us to request an application for Vendors.  State in your email what it is you would be selling. (i.e. Food, Merchandise or Crafts.  Or if want to promote your business.)  Email submissions to JocundaFilmFestival@gmail.com.

Filmmakers, Comedians, Screenwriters, Playwrights, Spoken Word Artists and Novelist submit your work for review at www.FilmFreeway.com/JocundaMusicFilmandTheatreFestival.


To receive emails about performances, auditions, internships, volunteer opportunities and other events sign up by clicking the button below.

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Email us at RiantTheatre@gmail.com to obtain an Application for the
Strawberry One-Act Festival.

The Best Plays From The Strawberry One-Act Festival: Volume 6

Volume 7