Sponorship Opportunities
A Buddy
1. A Buddy
This donation will help us with our Play Reading Series and allow us provide opportunities to present more Play Readings Online and give playwrights an opportunity to have their plays heard by a large audience on Zoom and on Social Media.
A Fan
One (1) ticket to the Strawberry One-Act Theatre Festival.
Mention in festival guide as a “Fan” of the festival, as well as mention on social media and blog.
- Official festival souvenir (Mug, Water Bottle or T-Shirt).
One (1) ticket to the Finals of the Strawberry One-Act Theatre Festival or any other show.
Mention in festival guide as a “Friend” of the festival, as well as mention on social media and blog.
- One (1) Official festival souvenir or one (1) Anthology of the Best Plays From The Strawberry One-Act Festival or a signed copy of the novel LOVING YOU by Van Dirk Fisher.
Two (2) tickets see a play in the Festival.
- Backers are recognized as contributors to scholarships;
- Acknowledgement in the Youth Empowerment Awards program; and
Two (2) tickets to the Strawberry One-Act Festival Awards Ceremony & Performance or other festival Performance.
Backers - Youth Empowerment Sponsorships
Two (2) tickets to see a play in the festival.
- Backers are recognized as contributors to scholarships;
- Acknowledgement in the Youth Empowerment Awards Program; and
- Two (2) tickets to the Strawberry One-Act Festival Awards Ceremony & Performance or other festival Performance.
- Patrons are honored with scholarships given in their name; and
Acknowledgement in the Youth Empowerment Awards Program;
- Five (5) tickets to see a play in the festival.
Patrons - Youth Empowerment Sponsorships
- Backers are recognized as contributors to scholarhsips;
- Acknowledgement in the Youth Empowerment Awards Program;
- Tickets to the Strawberry One-Act Festival Awards Ceremony & Performance or other festival Performances.
Patrons are honored with scholarships given in their name.
- Ten (10) tickets to see a play in the festival.
Performer - Festival Sponsor
- Logo on printed advertising materials, festval website, and event emails;
- Acknowledgement and logo in printed festival Playbill;
- Mention in one (1) pre-event social media post;
One (1) promotional item in luxury gift bags, given to VIP guests.
Two (2) VIP access tickets for festival performances;
One (1) quarter page color advertisement in festival Playbill.
- Luxury gift bag for each VIP access ticket holder.
Stage Manager - Festival Sponsor
- Logo on printed advertising materials, festival website, and event emails;
- Acknowledgement and logo in printed festival Playbill;
- Mention in one (1) pre-event social media post; and
One (1) promotional item in luxury gift bags, given to VIP guests.
Eight (8) VIP access tickets for festival performances.
- One (1) half page color advertisement in festival Playbill; and
One (1) post-event via Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
- Luxury gift bag for each VIP access ticket holder..
Director - Festival Sponsor
- Festivsl Sponsors recognized as "Director"
- Special acknowledgment at all Performances;
- Logo on all printed advertising material, festival website, event emails, social media, social media event pages, and included on step-and-repeat banner displayed at all performances and parties;
- Spotlight Profile page in printed festival Playbill;
- Mention in all event press releases and media announcements;
- On-Stage speaking opportunities at festival performances.
Awards presenter at festival closing night ceremony.
- Fifteen (15) VIP access tickets for festival performances.
- Two (2) promotional items in luxury VIP gift bags
- One (1) full page color advertisement in festival Playbill
- Two (2) pre-event posts via Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter;
- Mention in one (1) pre-event email blast;
- One (1) post-event post via Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter;
- Youth Empowerment Scholarship Award named after Sponsor; and
Opportunity to offer gifts for prizes for the Winners during the Festival Competition and Prizes for the audiences in the theatre.
- Luxury gift bag for each VIP access ticket holder.
Producer - Title Sponsor
The Sponsor’s Name will be included in the Title of the Festival. (i.e. The Riant Theatre’s Strawberry One-Act Theatre Festival presented by Sponsor’s NAME.)
- Special acknowledgment at Performances and Opening and Closing Night Ceremonies;
- On-stage speaking opportunities at festival performances;
- Awards presenter at festival closing night ceremony;
- Logo on all printed materials, festival website, event emails, social media event pages, and included on step-and-repeat banner displayed at all performances and parties.
- Spotlight Profile page in printed festival Playbill.
- The following special acknowledgment in all press releases and all media announcements. Announcements: The Riant Theatre’s Strawberry One-Act Theatre Festival presented by COMPANY NAME; and
Special acknowledgment and exclusive full page article in program guide and festival blog THE VINE: Everything That’s Fresh In The Strawberry One-Act Festival.
- Logo on program cover names as Festival Producer;
- Acknowledgement as Exclusive Festival Producer prior to every production, ceremony, and party, mention in digital commerical shown at the Launch Party;
Twenty-five (25) VIP access tickets for festival performances.
- Speaking and product demo opportunities;
- The most prominent signage at each event;
- Digital Commercial to be shown at the Screening at the Launch Party;
- Largest logo display: at all festival venues; on social media and festival website and blog (with hyperlink to company website); and on festival banner, event poster, flyers, t-shirts and brochure;
- Two (2) full page color advertisements in the Festival Playbill;
- Three (3) promotional items in luxury VIP gift bag;
- Four (4) pre-event posts via Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter;
- Opportunity to offer gifts for prizes for the Winners during the Festival Competition and Prizes for the audiences in the theatre;
Youth Empowerment Scholarship Award named after Sponsor
- Luxury gift bag for each VIP access ticket holder.