The Youth Empowerment Awards

Every year the Riant Theatre gives out Scholarships to deserving students enrolled in college. 
Usually the student is selected from the Interns that participate in our THEATRE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM.  Since 2010 the Riant Theare has awarded over $12,000 in scholarships to students.

MONICA SCHMOCKER ($1,000) Summer 2015.  Monica worked as a Production Assistant for the Strawberry One-Act Festival as well as a Stage Manager for LOVERS, STRANGERS & WHAT SOME PEOPLE CALL FAMILY, An Evening Of One-Act Plays.

SHELBY GABRIELLE TANSIL ($1,000) Summer 2015.  Shelby worked as a Literary Intern and wrote several articles that appeared in our blog: THE VINE: Where You Can See Everything's That's Fresh In The Strawberry One-Act Festival and well as conducted several podcast interviews.

KRISTOPHER KARCHER received the Youth Empowerment Scholarship Award ($1,000) on Sunday, February 22, 2024 at 5pm at the Hudson Guild Theatre, 441 West 26th Street, NYC.  Kristopher worked as a Literary Intern with the Riant in the summer of 2014 and during the winter 2015 as Featured Writer for our blog: THE VINE: Where You Can See Everything's That's Fresh In The Strawberry One-Act Festival.  Kristopher is currently enrolled in Arcadia University in Pennsylvania. 

THE YOUTH EMPOWERMENT AWARDS are given to Teenagers enrolled in college or participating in our Mentor/Internship Program. 

Your Donation Can Make A Difference:  If you would like to make a donation to be earmarked toward the Youth Empowerment Awards you can do so and your donation will be tax deductible to the full extent allowable by law.

You can download the song IF I FOLLOW MY DREAMS (NO MORE GAMES) all proceeds will benefit the Youth Empowerment Awards.  Click here to download the song.

In addition, the Riant acknowledges an educator who has contributed to enhancing the lives of our youth. 

Past Recipients of the EDUCATOR OF THE YEAR AWARD, which is given to an Educator who has demonstrated Outstanding Leadership in Educating our Youth:

Dr. Suzanne D. Jones (June 19, 2024)

Dr. David A.G. Johnson (February 18, 2024) 


The musical DREAM BABIES by Van Dirk Fisher, is about teenagers living in foster care while attending Royal Academy High School and their counselors, teachers and mentors who inspire them to achieve greatness.  This show is an excellent musical that can be booked for Fundraising Events.  If you are interested in booking DREAM BABIES contact us at


They say, "It takes a Village to raise a child."  Help us make a difference with a donation of as little as $5

A Friend - YEA Sponsor

Have your name mentioned in our program at the Youth Empowerment Awards.

A Friend - YEA Sponsor Price: $5.00

A Neighbor - YEA Sponsor

Have your name mentioned in our program for the Youth Empowerment Awards & the Awards Ceremony & Performance for the Strawberry One-Act .

A Neighbor - YEA Sponsor Price: $10.00

A Best Friend - YEA Sponsor

Donate a ticket for a deserving youth to see the Awards Ceremony & Performance of the Strawberry One-Act Festival at the Theatre at St. Clement's and have your name mentioned in our program for the Youth Empowerment Awards.

A Best Friend - YEA Sponsor Price: $27.00

A Relative - YEA Sponsor

Have your name mentioned in our program for the Youth Empowerment Awards.

A Relative - YEA Sponsor Price: $50.00

A Supporter - YEA Sponsor

Receive a ticket to see the Awards Ceremony & Performance of the Strawberry One-Act Festival or another Show and have your name mentioned in our program for the Youth Empowerment Awards.

A Supporter - YEA Sponsor Price: $100.00

A Community - YEA Sponsor

Receive 2 tickets to the Awards Ceremony & Performance of the Strawberry One-Act Festival or another Show and have your name mentioned in our program for the Youth Empowerment Awards.

A Community - YEA Sponsor Price: $250.00

A Leader - YEA Sponsor

Have a Scholarship given in your name to a student, receive 2 tickets to see the Awards Ceremony & Performance of the Strawberry One-Act Festival or another Show and have your name mentioned in our program for the Youth Empowerment Awards.

A Leader - YEA Sponsor Price: $500.00

A Business - YEA Sponsor

Have a Scholarship given in your name, receive 2 tickets to see the Awards Ceremony & Performance of the Strawberry One-Act Festival or another Show and have your name mentioned in our program for the Youth Empowerment Awards.

A Business - YEA Sponsor Price: $1000.00

An Angel - A YES Sponsor

Have a Scholarship given in your name, receive 5 tickets to see the Awards Ceremony & Performance of the Strawberry One-Act Festival or another Show and have your name mentioned in our program for the Youth Empowerment Awards.

An Angel - A YES Sponsor Price: $2500.00

A Village - YEA Sponsor

Have a Scholarship given in your name and receive 10 tickets to see THE STRAWBERRY ONE-ACT FESTIVAL or another Show and have your name mentioned in our program for the Youth Empowerment Awards.

A Village - YEA Sponsor Price: $5000.00

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The Riant Theatre Box Office:

Need Help? Have a Question? Contact us at Customer Service: Email us:

MAKE A DONATION to support our Youth Empowerment Scholarship Awards, CORE Project, the Riant Theatre and productions.  CLICK HERE TO MAKE A DONATION.

To submit your play for the Strawberry One-Act Festival go to  The Strawberry One-Act Festival, will be in JANUARY, FEBRUARY AND MARCH, 2021. (15-30 minute plays.) Early Deadline is September 30, 2024  Regular Deadline is October 30, 2020.  Notifucations will be sent out by November 15, 2020.

To submit your play for the Strawberry Theatre Festival (STF) for Full-Length Plays (55-90 minutes), Musicals (not to exceed 120 minutes), Short Plays (40-50 minutes), Variety Acts, Cabaret Acts, Magic Shows, Sketch Comedy, Improv Shows and Readings.  To submit your play to the STF go to   The Early Deadline is September 30, 2024Regular Deadline is October 30, 2020.  Notifications will be sent out by November 15, 2020.  The Strawberry Theatre Festival will run in JANUARY, FEBRUARY AND MARCH 2021.

Submissions are now being accepted for the Jocunda Music, Film & Theatre Festival.  We are seeking singers, r&b, neo soul, pop and hip hop artists; Films: short, narrative, animation and music videos; comedians and Short and Full Length Plays and Screenplays.

The Jocunda Music, Film & Theatre Festival will run from JANUARY through MARCH 30, 2024 at ARTEL Hotel in Brooklyn, NY.  Singers, Fashion Designers and Vendors send us a link to your music and/or performance.  Include your bio and a cover letter why you would like to be in the Josucnda MFT Festival.  Vendors email us to request an application for Vendors.  State in your email what it is you would be selling. (i.e. Food, Merchandise or Crafts.  Or if want to promote your business.)  Email submissions to

Filmmakers, Comedians, Screenwriters, Playwrights, Spoken Word Artists and Novelist submit your work for review at


To receive emails about performances, auditions, internships, volunteer opportunities and other events sign up by clicking the button below.

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Email us at to obtain an Application for the
Strawberry One-Act Festival.

The Best Plays From The Strawberry One-Act Festival: Volume 6

Volume 7