Sunday, February 23rd, 2014

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A Best Friend - YEA Sponsor

Donate a ticket for a deserving youth to see the Awards Ceremony & Performance of the Strawberry One-Act Festival at the Theatre at St. Clement's and have your name mentioned in our program for the Youth Empowerment Awards.

Sunday, February 23rd at 5pmPrice: $27.00

A Relative - YEA Sponsor

Receive a ticket to see a Performance of the Awards Ceremony & Performance of the Strawberry One-Act Festival at the Theatre at St. Clement's and have your name mentioned in our program for the Youth Empowerment Awards.

Sunday, February 23rd at 5pmPrice: $50.00

A Supporter - YEA Sponsor

Receive a ticket to see the Awards Ceremony & Performance of the Strawberry One-Act Festival at the Theatre at St. Clement's and have your name mentioned in our program for the Youth Empowerment Awards.

Sunday, February 23rd at 5pmPrice: $100.00

A Community - YEA Sponsor

Receive 2 tickets to the Awards Ceremony & Performance of the Strawberry One-Act Festival at the Theatre at St. Clement's and have your name mentioned in our program for the Youth Empowerment Awards.

Sunday, February 23rd at 5pmPrice: $250.00

A Leader - YEA Sponsor

Have a Scholarship given in your name to a student, receive 2 tickets to see the Awards Ceremony & Performance of the Strawberry One-Act Festival at the Theatre at St. Clement's and have your name mentioned in our program for the Youth Empowerment Awards.

Sunday, February 23rd at 5pmPrice: $500.00

A Business - YEA Sponsor

Have a Scholarship given in your name, receive 2 tickets to see the Awards Ceremony & Performance of the Strawberry One-Act Festival at the Theatre at St. Clement's and have your name mentioned in our program for the Youth Empowerment Awards.

Sunday, February 23rd at 5pmPrice: $1000.00

A Village - YEA Sponsor

Have a Scholarship given in your name and receive 10 tickets to see THE STRAWBERRY ONE-ACT FESTIVAL and have your name mentioned in our program for the Youth Empowerment Awards.

Your tickets are for the Awards Ceremony and Performance of the Strawberry One-Act Festival on Sunday, February 23, 2024 at 5PM at the Theatre at St. Clement's, but you can select a different date beginning with February 12 - February 23, 2024 if you choose to when you checkout.

Sunday, February 23rd at 5pmPrice: $5000.00

The Awards Ceremony & Performance for the Strawberry One-Act Festival, February 23rd at 8pm

The 4 Best Plays in the Festival will be performed and Awards will be presented to the
Best Play, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress & Best Short Film from the Video Diaries Project. 

Sunday, February 23rd at 8:00 pmPrice: $27.00

CODE OF SILENCE by Van Dirk Fisher Feb 21, 22 & 23rd

They are the Provoti family.  3 Generations living under 1 roof.
Family secrets, love and honor.
Nothing could threaten to tear them apart . . . Until NOW!


A Murder Mystery
Written & Directed By Van Dirk Fisher
Featuring: Linda Blackstock, Michelle Cammarata, Jon Lee Clayborne, Alessandra Drapos, Nadya Enacarnacion, Todd Estrin, Joe E. Evans, George Fearing, Virginia Frank, Isaac Esau Gay, Shawnette Hamilton-Robertson, Amy Losi, Maximillian, Vibe Normann, Benjamin Rowe, Mavis Simpson-Ernst, Joey Di Stefano, Alberta J. Thompson, Sammy Urzetta and Charles Williams
Set Design by Jung Griffin
Sound Design by Christopher Gilliard
Stage Manager:  Fulton Hodges

Friday, February 21st at 3:00 pmPrice: $22.00

Saturday, February 22nd at 5:00 pmPrice: $22.00

Saturday, February 22nd at 8:30 pmPrice: $22.00

Sunday, February 23rd at 2:00 pmPrice: $22.00

Sunday, February 23rd at 5:00 pmPrice: $22.00

February 2014
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Click here to download an application for the Strawberry One-Act Festival Winter 2014. (15-30 minute plays.) Deadline October 30th for the Winter Festival. 

Click here to download an application to the Strawberry Theatre Festival for Full-Length Plays (55-90 minutes), Musicals (not to exceed 120 minutes), Short Plays (40-50 minutes) and Staged Reading.  Deadline to submit a play is Octboer30, 2013.