The Best Plays From The Strawberry One-Act Festival: Volume 5

The Best Plays From The Strawberry One-Act Festival: Volume 5

Compiled By Van Dirk Fisher
S Y N O P S I S  O F  P L A Y S
COLD APRIL By John P. McEneny. Set in Rawanda in 1994, a thirteen-year old girl refuses to hand over her friends to the Hutu rebels.
Characters:  Male - 1, Female - 6

REUNION By Brian Podnos. A father and son must face their demons when the son is released from rehab.
Characters:  Male - 2
FIGHTING FIRES By Von H. Washington, Sr. On the eve of his 18th birthday, a young man kidnaps his absentee father and demands the attention he believes was owed him during his developmental years.
Characters:  Male - 2, Female - 2
JACK By Daren Taylor. In a world where poverty and despair are in abundance, what happens when a boy buys magic seeds from a mysterious figure, climbs an enchanted beanstalk, and believes that he’s seen God? Jack, a dark retelling of an old fairy tale. For every dream, there’s a nightmare.
Characters:  Male - 5, Female - 5
MARKED By Cassandra Lewis, a dark comedy that explores the connection between love, insanity and social responsibility.
Characters:  Male - in his 30s, Female - in her 50s
ALWAYS ANASTASIA By Michele Leigh. A disillusioned cop on the verge of a nervous breakdown believes he is being tormented By a narcissistic psychopath.
Characters:  Male - 1 in his mid 30s, Female -1 In her mid 20s and 1 in her 30s
THIS QUIET HOUSE By ToBy Levin. What happens when a stepmother’s desire to have a son catches fire?
Characters:  Male - 1 in his 20s, 1 in his 50s, Female -1 In her 50s
WHAT CHEER, IOWA By Jeff Belanger. Tempers flare and sanity is on the line as five people struggle against the gargantuan pressure of waiting to find out if their cars passed their annual inspection.
Characters:  Male - 4, Female - 2

The Best Plays From The Strawberry One-Act Festival: Volume 5 Price: $17.00

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To submit your play for the Strawberry One-Act Festival go to  The Strawberry One-Act Festival, will be in JANUARY, FEBRUARY AND MARCH, 2021. (15-30 minute plays.) Early Deadline is September 30, 2024  Regular Deadline is October 30, 2020.  Notifucations will be sent out by November 15, 2020.

To submit your play for the Strawberry Theatre Festival (STF) for Full-Length Plays (55-90 minutes), Musicals (not to exceed 120 minutes), Short Plays (40-50 minutes), Variety Acts, Cabaret Acts, Magic Shows, Sketch Comedy, Improv Shows and Readings.  To submit your play to the STF go to   The Early Deadline is September 30, 2024Regular Deadline is October 30, 2020.  Notifications will be sent out by November 15, 2020.  The Strawberry Theatre Festival will run in JANUARY, FEBRUARY AND MARCH 2021.

Submissions are now being accepted for the Jocunda Music, Film & Theatre Festival.  We are seeking singers, r&b, neo soul, pop and hip hop artists; Films: short, narrative, animation and music videos; comedians and Short and Full Length Plays and Screenplays.

The Jocunda Music, Film & Theatre Festival will run from JANUARY through MARCH 30, 2024 at ARTEL Hotel in Brooklyn, NY.  Singers, Fashion Designers and Vendors send us a link to your music and/or performance.  Include your bio and a cover letter why you would like to be in the Josucnda MFT Festival.  Vendors email us to request an application for Vendors.  State in your email what it is you would be selling. (i.e. Food, Merchandise or Crafts.  Or if want to promote your business.)  Email submissions to

Filmmakers, Comedians, Screenwriters, Playwrights, Spoken Word Artists and Novelist submit your work for review at

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