Number of Hits beginning June 5, 2024

The Riant Theatre
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strawberry one-act festival The Strawberry One-Act Festival
The 16th Annual Strawberry One-Act Festival will be at the Theatre at St. Clements, 423 West 46th Street, between 9th & 10th Avenue from August 13th - August 23, 2009.
Measure My Measure

The Decision

Who Knew


broadway bound Broadway Bound
The Riant Theatre's Toe Jam Festival, a variety show of some of the hottest talent in New York City. See singers, dancers, spoken word artists, musicians and comedians compete for the Toe Jam Award! Artists include: Spoken Word Artists Tandra and Nathan P., the Stagelight Centre of Performing Arts Dance Company, Actress Kanene Holder performing characters from her hit show Sitchaassdown (from the NY Fringe Festival), Sean Grissom with his Cajun Cello (1994 Winner of the Toyotal Comedy Fetival), Dancer & Choreographer Von Duvois Jacobs, Pearl Hale and The Singing Trio Sensation from Behold All Things Are New Production Company, and Saxophone Dancer Brett Ryan. Free CDs given out to the 1st 100 ticket buyers. August 28th at 2:00 p.m. at the Leonard Nimoy Thalia Theatre at Symphony Space, 2537 Broadway at 95th St. Tickets: $20.00

Run And Tell It, a concert performance of the gospel musical by recording artist Nat Morris (God Is). Experience the Power of Love and Joy in knowing that God is Good! Join us for an exciting evening of theatre and STAND UP AND SHOUT! HALLELUYA! August 28th at 5:00 p.m. at the Leonard Nimoy Thalia Theatre at Symphony Space, 2537 Broadway at 95th St. Tickets: $25.00

For tickets click here.

play reading series The Riant's New Play Reading Series
Join us for an evening of excitement as new plays are read followed by a discussion with the playwright and audience. Who knows, one of these plays might receive a full-scale production at the Riant or abroad. Admission is free. Donations are welcomed. The New Play Reading Series begins Tuesday, November 19, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. For further information click here.
my soul sings too, sister! My Soul Sings Too, Sister!
A Play Festival Celebrating The Spirit Of Women
It's time to place the spotlight on women in theatre. This festival showcases one-act plays by women and culminates with an awards ceremony where accolades are given to the Best Play, Best Director and Best Actress in a play. The curtain goes up in May. For further information click here.
lesbian and gay festival The Annual International Lesbian & Gay Theatre Festival
Come out and celebrate pride with some of the best theatre from around the world! June 9th thru July 6th! For further information click here.